Welsh Cardigans

We specialize in breeding quality Black & White and Blue Merle Cardigan Corgis since 1999 . Have taken a fancy to Black & Whites and Blue Merles with tan points . We offer puppies for sale to qualified homes and generally have three litters per year. Our older Cardigan friends will sometimes be placed in special homes to enjoy their retirement .

Thanks to the enforcement of zoning restrictions from the Town of Glenville , we are no longer allowed to have chickens . Still enjoy vegetable gardening . Wife's two retired Greyhounds have passed away , but we still have YoYo ( a 3 legged cat ) .

We welcome inquiries about Cardigans and am generally available by email , bigearsk@gmail.com . Am member of Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America . Breeder in good standing with AKC . Have AKC , Canadian champions & Grand Champions . Recently AKC notified us that based on our history , number of champions , showmanship , & number of litters successfully whelped , Big Ears Kennel can apply for Breeder of Merit status !

Over the years two things that bother me are ; those that ask only price & the term corgi . There are so many questions a interested party may ask about Cardigans , price should not be the first & only question ! One fellow's entire inquiry was " How much , might be interested in a female " ? My reply based on this limited inquiry was " $82,000 " . He did not appreciate my humor . Now corgi is my second bafflement . Few people realize there are two corgi breeds . I've answered " corgi " inquiries in great detail , in a series of emails , only to learn they were only interested in Pembrokes . So if you inquire about " corgis " , I will try to define which breed . If your only question is price , I may not reply !

Wish people will understand Mother Nature limits color & gender of pups available . We try to match the best pup to a good home . That can only be done by visiting & bonding . Shipping is not an option , too many horror stories . Many online sites promise Blue Merles & shipping . Before you send money to these sites , check them out . AKC states 80% are fronts for puppy mills & scams . Some will never see their money or puppy . One site had over 144 complaints !

A common request we get for this uncommon breed is " A Blue Merle female " . Cardigans are not a common breed . There are only a few breeders east of the Mississippi . Only a few of these breed for Blue Merles . To get a quality Blue Merle , one must breed to a Black & White for crisp color & avoid genetic faults attached to recessive genes . Breeding for Blue Merles a litter may produce one or two Blue Merles . One might be a female . For every Blue Merle pup we get 10 inquiries . So don't be hurt if Mother Nature is cruel !

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Are Cardigan Welsh Corgis Rare ?

 Although the Cardigan Welsh corgi enjoys a healthy following overseas, especially in the USA, at home, it's among our rarest breeds. Last year, only 147 Cardigan Welsh corgi puppies were registered with the Kennel Club.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Sometimes One Cardigan Is Not Enough !

 Case in point : Daphne & Royal ! Human part of this Cardigan family is very pleased with this pair ! Believe Cardigans are like prunes or aspirins . . . are 2 enough , 6 too many ?

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Riley Wants To Be A Pembroke !


Too Early Too Plant !

With February & seed catalogs  calling , gardeners are itching to plant , but it's too early to start plants indoors in 5b Upstate New York . Yet I can dream !

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Told You So !

 Pups starting to raise ears ! Second photo ,Black & White girl doing " Woodchuck " stand !

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Is That All There Is ?

 We have 4 puppies left from Jane's litter . Sometimes their ears are up , but never when I have a camera !

Friday, January 20, 2023

Ears Are Going Up !

Watching Jane's litter , am encouraged their ears are starting to stand ! Question I'm often emailed " Still have any puppies available ? ".


Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday The 13th !

Molly ain't scare of no Friday the 13th ! As a future Big Ears mom , she has to set a fearless example !


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Three's Company !

 Placed Jane's pups in exercise pens with 3 pups in each ! Just like the TV show , 2 girls & a boy !

Top : 3 Black & Whites looking for homes .

Bottom : Keeping Dott & Sandy ( front ) . Sable boy in back looking forward to a new home !

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Moved Again !

 Moved Jane's litter from Whelping Room to porch . This is daytime play pens . At night will go into raised crates , 2 per crate . Work in progress !

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Doggie In The Window !

Since the Pandemic hit , we conduct puppy sales by the front window . The puppies are placed in crates viewed from the porch . Puppies stay warm inside , while visitors view on front porch . Here are 4 puppies left ; 2 females ( Black & White ) & 2 males ( Sable and Black & White ) .


Monday, January 2, 2023

Cardigans Imitate Life !

You hear how movies imitate life , all the time . You hear true life stories about siblings being separated at birth . Growing up a few miles away , unknown . Well it happens to Cardigans too ! Roux & Suzie were separated weeks after birth . They met up in Brooklyn growing up blocks away ! Here they are taking over the mean streets of Brooklyn ! Wow , or Bow-Wow !

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Boy On New Year !


Rodrick Brings In The New Year !


A Red Ryder For Christmas !

This boy , with ears up , will stay in Schenectady County with Maddie & daughter . Maddie earned her championship in 8 shows  , that's eight shows , not 8 weekends !


New Years Past !

 This New Year will watch the Twilight Zone Marathon & bake another turkey with trimmings . Here's how other New Year Eve & Days were spent ! Hope all Cardigan lovers have a great New Year !