Now the foolish among us Cardigan breeders trying for Blue Merles , may only get one or two in a litter , sometimes none ! Why ? Genetics . To get a crisp Blue Merle color with sound genetic traits , you can only breed to a Black & White . Some non CWCCA members will breed a Cardigan Blue Merle to a Pembroke , breaking the 1932 rule of mixing breeds , to produce a litter of designer mutts called " Cowboy Corgis " .
You can imagine the reply we get , when we announce a new litter on our blog that has a few Blue Merles ! People have offered more for first consideration . Others get upset to learn , Blue Merles are not produced as if in a bakery . Please blame Mother Nature for selecting whelping time , numbers , & colors , but thank Mother Nature for such a fine breed !

Lol, corgi loaves made to order.